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History of East Cleveland: The Circle East District is launched in 2022 | The redeveloped Mickey's building on Euclid Avenue, lighted at sunset


The Circle East District project is launched and re-development of the old "Mickey's" building on Euclid Avenue begins.
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History of East Cleveland: Circle East Townhomes are built in 2010 | Sidewalk view of a row of modern townhomes on a sunny day


Circle East Townhomes are built on 1.5 acres of land along Eucild between Lakeview Road and Auburndale Avenue.
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History of East Cleveland: The East Cleveland Theater opens in 1968 | historic photo showing a black actress and white actor together


The East Cleveland Theater opens, which became known for its furtherance of interracial cooperation and understanding, particularly through its practice of interracial, nontraditional casting.
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Two rapid transit stations are opened at Superior and Windermere respectively, making the area a transportation hub.
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History of East Cleveland: 1938: John D. Rockefeller donates his estate to the city to become Forest Hill Park | Historic photo of the park showing a lake, stone bridge and multiple small buildings


John D. Rockefeller donates his Forest Hill estate to the city to become Forest Hill Park. Industrialist and philanthropist, Rockefeller rose from his position as an assistant bookkeeper for a Cleveland commission merchant to become one of the wealthiest men in the U.S. through his establishment of the Standard Oil Co.
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History of East Cleveland: 1924 NELA Park construction begins | Historic photo of workmen and horse-drawn plows and carts


Construction concludes on NELA Park, home to General Electric’s lighting division and the world’s first industrial park.
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History of East Cleveland: 1916 Women's Suffrage | Historic photo showing a line of women waiting to vote outside a white wood-clapboard shack identified as Ward 4, Precinct 4


The city adopts a charter that provides women’s suffrage in municipal elections — the first of its kind east of Chicago. The East Cleveland Public Library opens thanks in part to land donated by John D.Rockefeller and a donation from Andrew Carnegie.
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